Chamber Strome Business Series

Now Hiring Graduate Assistant

The ODU TRiO McNair Scholars Program Graduate Student Assistant is an essential support role reporting to the McNair Director and Program Coordinate. The ideal candidate will be able to commit at least one full academic year to the program.

Apply for Graduate Assistantship


The Ronald E. McNair Program helps eligible undergraduates pursue graduate degrees. The program offers expanded faculty mentoring, research experience and other academic opportunities with the goal of increasing the number of Ph.D. recipients who are from underrepresented groups in graduate education. The program consists of summer and academic year activities. Students will enter the program during the spring, participate in the summer research component and, during the following academic year complete the requirements for graduate school enrollment.

For more information please email or complete an interest form below.

Complete Student Interest Form

Students, ready to become a McNair Scholar?

Apply Now

Faculty, want to be a McNair mentor?